• Articles

Jones, E A. (2010). Multi-temporal landscape history in Burgundy: An innovative application of genealogy software. In B. Frischer,J. W. Crawford and D. Koller, eds., Making History Interactive. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) . Proceedings of the 37th annual international conference on Computer Applications to Archaeology. Oxford: Brittish Archaeological Reports.

Lennartsson, Tommy, Anna Westin, Anamaria Iuga, Elizabeth Jones, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Eva Gustavsson  (2016) “’The Meadow is the Mother of the Field’: An historical Agroecosystem Comparison of three European Landscapes.” Martor: Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review 21:103-126.

Scott Madry (2007) “An Evaluation of Google Earth for Archaeological Aerial Prospection and Site Survey” in: Digital Discovery: Exploring New Frontiers in Human Heritage. CAA 2006. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Fargo, United States, April 2006. Jeffrey T. Clark and Emily M. Hagemeister, Editors. 2007. Budapest: Archaeolingua. (ISBN 978-963-8046-90-1)

Scott Madry (2008) “Des gorilles du Rwanda aux sites archéologiques de la vallée de l’Arroux, Introduction aux nouveaux outiles de cartographie et d’analyse spatiale”. in: “La Cartographie au Service de la Recherche et de l’Aménagement du Territoire”, Centre Archéologique Européen, Glux-en-Glenne, France.

Scott Madry (2006) “Using GIS as an Augur: New Advances are Making GIS Even More Useful as a Predictive Modeling Tool.” Matthew L. Cole and Scott Madry, Ph.D. The Military Engineer, Journal of the Society of American Military Engineers.

Scott Madry (2005) “Archaeological Applications of Remote Sensing.” In: Remote Sensing for GIS Managers, Stan Aronoff, ed. ESRI Press. Redlands, California.

Scott Madry (2004) “Geomatics in Archaeology: High Tech for Old Digs.” In: GIS Development, June, 2004 pp. 16–21. Ravi Gupta, ed., Noida, India: GIS Development.

Scott Madry (2000) “A GIS/Remote Sensing Case Study in Archaeology: Burgundy, France” in: The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s online Remote Sensing Tutorial, Section 15: Geographic Information Systems – The GIS Approach to Decision Making, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Nicholas M. Short, Editor.

Scott Madry, E. Jones and A. Tickner (2009) “An Improved Extraction of Historical Cartographic Features into GIS: A French Case Study”.. in: Proceedings of the Computer Applications in Archaeology conference, Williamsburg, Va. USA March 22-26, 2009. In Proceedings, and available online at: http://www.caa2009.org/articles/Madry_Contribution186_a.pdf

S. Madry, Jansen, G., Murry, S., Jones, E., Wilcoxon, L.,  Alhashem, E. 2023 A focus on the future of our tiny piece of the past: Digital Archiving of a long-term and multi-participant regional project Paper presented at the 2023 Computer Applications in Archaeology conference, Amsterdam the Netherlands.

Authors: Scott Madry (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)*; Gregory Jansen (U. Maryland College Park); Seth Murray (North Carolina State University); Elizabeth Jones (UNC-Chapel Hill); Lia Willcoxon (North Carolina State University)

S. Madry, A. E Jones, A. Tickner and S. Murray (2011) “Une Micro-Histoire de la Terre et de L’Utilization des Resources- L’integration des GIS-H (Systemes d’information géographique historiques) et des données qui y sont liées en Bourgogne du sud”. in: Le Monde des Cartes, Rapport Cartographique National revue de Comité Français de Cartographie No 208, pp. 75-94,  Juin 2011.

Madry, S., Jones, E. A. and Tickner, A. (2013). Interdisciplinary History of Rural Water and Land Use in Southern Burgundy, France. Technical report. Http://www.doaks.org/research/garden-landscape/garden-and-landscape-project-grant-reports/madry-report

Madry, S., Jones, E. A., Murray, S. and Tickner, A. (2011). Une Micro-Histoire De La Terre Et De L’utilisation Des Ressources: L’intégration des SIG-H (Systèmes d’information géographique historiques) et des données qui y sont liées en Bourgogne du sud. Le Monde des Cartes, Rapport Cartographique National revue de Comité Français de Cartographie, 208, 75-94.

Madry, S., Jones, E. A., Tickner, A. Murry, S., and Misner, T. (2015). Water and landscape dynamics in southern Burgundy: two and a half centuries of water management in an agricultural landscape. Water History. 7(3),301–335. DOI 10.1007/s12685-015-0132-z.

  • Book Chapters

Murray, Seth, Elizabeth Anne Jones, and Scott Madry (2019)  “Resilience of Agrarian Land Use Practices in Burgundy, France: Evolving Approaches to Historical Ecology.” In Historical Ecologies, Heterarchies and Transtemporal Landscapes, Celeste Ray and Manuel Fernández-Götz, eds. Pp. 101-117.  New York: Routledge Press.

Madry, S. (2006). Hic sunt dracones (Here be dragons): The integration of historical cartographic data into geographic information systems. In S. Archer and K. Bartoy, eds., Between dirt and discussion: Methods, materials, and interpretation in historical archaeology, New York: Springer, pp 33-60.

Madry, S,. and L. Rakos (1996) “Line-of-sight and Cost Surface Techniques for Regional Archaeological Research in the Arroux River Valley,” (with L. Rakos). in: New Methods, Old Problems: Geographic Information Systems in Modern Archaeological Research, edited by H. D. G. Maschner. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper no. 23, 1996, pp. 104-126.

Madry, S. *2002) “Ein GIS-basiertes Archäologisches Vorhersage-Modell für das North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). In: The Archaeology of Landscapes and Geographic Information Systems: Predictive Maps, Settlement Dynamics and Space and Territory in Prehistory. Brandenburgisches Landesmuseums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Potsdam, Germany.

Madry, S. (1991) “Un Emploe des Systemes de Teledetection et d’information Geographique dans une Analyse Regionale de Repartition Spatiales Archaeologiques,” In: Archeologues et Ordinateurs, Lettres d’Information du Centre de Recherches Archeologiques. 17:1-11. Paris: Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique.

Madry, S. and C. Crumley (1990) “An Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in a Regional Archaeological Survey” (with Carole L. Crumley) in Interpreting Space: GIS and Archaeology, K. Allen, S. Green, and E. Zubrow, eds. Taylor & Francis, London.

Madry S. (1990) “The Realities of Hardware,” in Interpreting Space: GIS and Archaeology, K. Allen, S. Green, and E. Zubrow, eds. Taylor & Francis, London.

Jones, Elizabeth A., Anna Westin, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, Jon Moen, Amanda Tickner (2018)  How to Operationalize Collaborative Research. Chapter in Issues and Concepts in: Historical Ecology, eds. Carole Crumley, Anna Westin and Tommy Lennartsson. Cambridge University Press. Pp. 240-275.

Michael D. Scholl, Seth Murray, and Carole L. Crumley (2010). Comparing trajectories of climate, class and production: an historical ecology of American yeomen. InEnvironmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. Ismael Vaccaro, Eric Alden Smith and Shankar Aswani, eds. Pp. 322-348. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Conference Presentations and Posters

2020, (with Duncan Anderson, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Jones, and Amanda Tickner) “Mapping forest change through time with historical maps, aerial photography, and satellite imagery in Uxeau, France.” Paper presented to the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Bozeman, MT. March 27, 2020.

2019, “Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the bio-cultural heritage of forests in Europe” Panel organizer. Session to be presented to the Rural History Association in Paris, France, September 13.

2017, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Elizabeth Anne Jones “Burgundy without wine? Contemporary processes of abandonment of viticulture in France.” Paper presented to the European Rural History Association in Leuven, Belgium. September 12.

2016, Seth Murray, Anna Westin, Anamaria Iuga, Tommy Lennartson, Eva Gustavsson, Elizabeth Anne Jones, and Scott Madry) “The Meadow is the Mother of Fields”: methodological challenges and opportunities for comparative landscape research.” Paper presented to the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape in Innsbruck, Austria. September 8.

2016, “Expanding Historical Ecology from Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary Objectives.” Paper presented to the Society for American Archaeology in Orlando, FL. April 7.


2015, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Elizabeth Anne Jones. “Burgundy without wine? Contemporary processes of abandonment of viticulture in France.” Poster reviewed by the Executive Board and presented at the American Anthropological Association in Denver, CO. Nov. 20.

2015, Elizabeth Anne Jones, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Amanda Tickner. “Using Historic Maps in Research: A Case Study of Research in Burgundy France.” Paper presented by at the North Carolina Geographical Information Systems Conference. Raleigh, NC February 27.

2014, Elizabeth Anne Jones,Scott Madry, and Amanda Tickner. “Persistence and Change in the Environmental and Agricultural History of Burgundy, France.” Poster presented to the World Congress of Environmental History in Guimarães, Portugal. July 10.

2014, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Jones, Amanda Tickner, and Seth Murray “Locating and Digitizing Archaeological Features using GPS with Scanned Historical Maps in the Field: Applications for Historical Archaeology.”  Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: 21st Century Archaeology Concepts, methods and tools in Paris, France. April 22.

2013, Seth Murray, Elizabeth Anne Jones, Scott Madry, and Amanda Tickner. “Water Use in Rural Southern Burgundy: a temporal and spatial analysis.” Paper presented to the Social Science History Association in Chicago, IL. November 22.

2013, Seth Murray, Amanda Tickner, Scott Madry, and Elizabeth Anne Jones. “Methodological challenges and opportunities for an interdisciplinary history of water in Burgundy, France.” Paper presented to the International Water History Association in Montpellier, France. June 27.

2012, Elizabeth Anne Jones, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Amanda Tickner. “An Integrative Historical GIS study of agrarian land use in Southern Burgundy, France.”Paper presented to the Social Science History Association in Vancouver, Canada. November 4.

2012, Elizabeth Anne Jones, Scott Madry, Seth Murray, and Amanda Tickner. “Mills and Ponds: 250 years of continuity and change in the Burgundian landscape.” Paper presented to the Nineteenth Century French Studies Association in Raleigh, NC. October 12.

2012 Seth Murray, Scott Madry, Elizabeth Ann Jones, Amanda Tickner “Mills and Ponds: 250 years of continuity and change in the Burgundian landscape.” Paper presented to the Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium in Raleigh, NC. Session chair” “Agricultural/Landscape History & Rural Life in the Uxeau Commune and Environs (Saone-et-Loire), 1759 to the present, with a special focus on 1834-1925.” October 13. In conference proceedings.

Madry, S. and R. Wiencek (1995)  “Applications of Digital Terrain Data, Archival Maps, and Historical Aerial Photographs for Regional Archaeological Analysis,” (with R. Wincek) Paper presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the Computer Applications in Archaeology conference, Leiden, the Netherlands, April 2, 1995.